Tuesday, 10 January 2012

10 Tips to Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep Review

 There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep.
                                                                                                         Ralph Waldo Emerson

People who don't have sleep problems really can't understand how lack of sleep affects every part of your day. Insomnia or lack of sleep for whatever reason will make your work shoddy, cause you to lose concentration and generally make you act like an idiot. I know what it is like and many of my friends suffer from what they think is insomnia but really, in most cases their problem sleeping is more likely due to bad preparation for sleep rather than an inability to sleep.

Most people take the natural functions of life for granted, they think because sleeping, eating, drinking, making love etc are inherently natural activities we can't learn how to do them better. Basically they think they can’t improve on their technique.I will talk about eating another time but surely the fact that there are so many over weight people illustrates that eating well is not a natural trait, you need to learn how to do it.

If love and romance were so simple why is Romeo and Juliet still so popular? Why do marriage councellors and consultants of every type imaginable exist? The answer is because we can always learn better ways to do things, even the most basic and inherent functions of life.

Sleep is a journey and like every journey you take, it goes smoother if you prepare yourself properly before hand. If you want the journey to be successful take the time to find out how you can achieve the best results. If you suffer from sleeplessness don't just accept it – do something practical about it.

I read an article on A Good Night Drink which listed "10 Tips to Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep". I think they hit the nail on the head if you really want to do something about your problem. 

Here is an excerpt  but if you would like to read the whole article go to 10 Tips to Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

"There is really no hard core proof that there is any reason why a glass of warm milk will help you sleep. It may just be that the mere routine of drinking a glass of warm milk before bed is like a smell that reminds you of home."
Yes there is some evidence that a glass of warm milk contains melatonin  which helps you relax but habit is also a big driver in our lives. Most likely when you were young and could not get to sleep your mother gave you a glass of warm milk and told you it would make you sleepy. As a child, you were always going to fall asleep sooner or later but this memory remains embedded in your mind so when you make a glass of warm milk, your brain knows it is time to sleep. 

You can create similar associations now, no matter how old you are today. Someone recently told me that if you exercise regularly to the same piece of music for say a month, you can then play that music and your body will think you are exercising and you will burn up calories and yes, lose weight. Try it and then think of other associations you can create to "trick" your mind into doing the things you find hard to do. The technique is that you don't just lie there asking your brain to help me get to sleep, you give it a little help by preparing it first. 

Okay this technique may take a month or two to work but when you weigh that against years of insomnia surely it is worth the effort. 

I have only printed a partial excerpt so I recommend you read the whole article if you are having difficulty sleeping. 
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